Eye care professional, Types of Eye Doctors

Everyone knows that if you are having eye problems the best person to help you is a vision doctor. But, are you aware that there are different types of eye doctors? Do you know that an ophthalmologist is different from an optometrist and an optometrist is different from an optician? A lot of people get confused with these terms. More often than not, if you don’t do your research you’ll likely end up in the wrong clinic.

If it’s time to get your eyes checked, whether it’s just an annual checkup or if something is wrong with your eyesight, you need to know who to look for because the right eye care professional will be able to provide you with the treatments you need. Let’s learn about the different eye care providers.


Ophthalmologists are medical doctors specializing in vision and eye care. What makes an ophthalmologist different from an optician and optometrist is the training they received as well as what vision problems they can diagnose and treat. Since ophthalmologists are medical doctors it means they completed their college degree as well as eight more years in medical training. They are qualified to practice medicine and do surgeries. Ophthalmologists are licensed to diagnose and treat all forms of eye disease and they are also trained to do eye surgery and prescribe eye devices to correct vision problems. Some ophthalmologists choose to immerse in scientific research that aims to find cures and treatments for vision disorders and eye diseases.

Ophthalmologists can also choose to subspecialize if they want to focus on a specific area like surgery or medical eye care. To become a subspecialist, he or she must undergo an additional one to two years of training. Examples of subspecialty areas include pediatrics, cornea, retina, neurology, plastic surgery, and glaucoma among others. Additional training and education are necessary to prepare ophthalmologists for more complicated eye problems.


Optometrists offer primary vision care such as sight testing and correction, diagnosing, managing, and treating various vision problems. What makes them different from ophthalmologists is they are not considered medical doctors. However, they received an OD degree or doctor of optometry degree after graduating four years from an optometry school. However, they must complete at least four years in college. They prescribe and dispense corrective lenses and medications for eye diseases. They also do vision tests and exams.


Opticians are not medical doctors but rather are considered technicians that specialize in designing, verifying, and fitting contact lenses and eyeglass lenses and frames as well other vision devices to correct problematic eyesight. They are the receivers of the prescriptions made by optometrists and ophthalmologists. However, they are not qualified to test vision nor write prescriptions. They are also not allowed to diagnose eye conditions and they do not treat vision problems.

Our vision is crucial in our day-to-day lives. Imagine not being able to see clearly. Not only will it affect your work but it will also put your life and health in jeopardy. Without your vision, you won’t be able to enjoy your life. You can’t drive, you can’t play your favorite sport, you won’t be able to recognize faces, well, you get the picture. It is advised that you visit an ophthalmologist by the time you reach 40 years old for an eye exam or as often as necessary. If you have diabetes, double vision, distorted vision, eyelid abnormalities, bulging eyes, decreased vision, excess tearing, eye pain, eye injury, high blood pressure, AIDS, HIV, or family history of eye disease then all the more you need to see an eye doctor. Don’t wait until you are 40 to see one.

Makeup artist, Sweat-Proof Make-up Tips & Tricks

Putting on Saint Paul, Minnesota makeup will not only make you look beautiful on the outside but it will also make you feel good on the inside. When you like what you see in the mirror you will love yourself more. It’s no secret makeup enhances your natural features. Unfortunately, makeup isn’t permanent. For people with normal skin, it usually lasts throughout the day but for people who sweat excessively, their makeup usually fades in just several hours from the time it was applied. This can be a hassle because it takes hours to put on makeup and the last thing you want is for your hard work to be erased all because of excessive perspiration. How do you keep your makeup from fading? Let’s find out.

First of all, we’re sure you want to know why you are sweating excessively. People sweat when they are tensed or anxious. They also sweat when the temperature in the room is warm. Some women sweat when they are about to make a big presentation, get an interview, have a first date, or deliver a speech in front of hundreds of people. In these situations, sweating is normal. However, there are cases where people actually suffer from a medical condition known as hyperhidrosis or in layman’s terms excessive sweating. Going from one room to the other can leave them drenched in sweat. If this is you, please see a doctor have your condition checked. Other symptoms of this condition include localized sweating in the feet, armpits, and hands. Treatments for hyperhidrosis include herbal medicine, topical medications, and surgery.

If it’s not hyperhidrosis, the best way to keep your makeup in place is to avoid factors that cause you to sweat. Some of the factors that make sweating worse include alcoholism, certain medications like antidepressants, blood pressure medications, and meds for dry mouth, smoking, caffeine, and wearing acrylic and polyester fabric.

Now, if you’re worried about your makeup, we’ve compiled a few tips to keep your makeup in place.

Don’t use power – if you’re the type who sweats a lot we recommend you ditch the powder because if you put on powder and you start sweating, it will make your face look chalky and your wrinkles more obvious. It’s a good idea to invest in blotting papers to remove the excess oil that’s responsible for ruining your makeup.

Don’t rush putting on makeup – one of the biggest mistakes women make is directly putting on makeup right after they take a shower. To ensure that your makeup stays, wait until about ten minutes to give your body time to cool down before applying makeup. When you put on makeup while your skin is still warm, the ingredients in the product will be absorbed by your skin fast and this is bad because it will cause breakouts. Aside from waiting ten minutes, you may always want to splash cool water on your face before starting your routine.

A facial mist is your best friend – if you’re out and about and you’re having trouble refreshing your makeup, having a facial mist handy will help a lot. Make sure to look for a mist that has a fine spray to cool your skin.

Start with a primer – makeup artists reveal that for the makeup to last longer you need to apply a primer before you put on anything. Primer first, moisturizer next, and then proceed to your foundation.


These tips are guaranteed to make you look beautiful all throughout the day and night. And remember, if you sweat excessively, see a doctor because you may have a medical problem.

Microblading, When can you wash your face after Microblading?

Microblading is a cosmetics procedure that claims to improve the appearance of your eyebrows. The procedure is also known as micro-stroking and feather touch for its finesse. A trained technician should perform the procedure and he/she may or may not have a license depending on the requirements of the state where you live in. But you should always rely on an experienced technician when availing yourself of the procedure. The technician will carefully draw your eyebrows with a special tool. It includes hundreds of fine strokes to look like your natural eyebrow hair. The results usually last for 12-18 months with a little maintenance on your part. This article provides information on when you should wash your face after microblading.

Microblading will cut into the skin in the eyebrow area to implant pigments into the cuts. Aftercare and maintenance are important to prolong the life of the procedure and keep your eyebrows looking beautiful. The eyebrow area will become quite sensitive after the procedure. You shouldn’t touch the area or get it wet for at least 10 days after the procedure. In fact, taking care of the eyebrow area after the procedure is quite similar to tattoo care. But it’s a bit more intensive than caring for a tattoo site. The skin underneath will become red and the pigment will look very dark soon after the procedure. You should dip a cotton swab in sterilized water and run it over the area two hours after the procedure. It helps you to get rid of any excess pigment or dye in the area. Your skin will need between 7 to 14 days to heal properly after microblading. By that time, the pigment will fade to its regular shade and look similar to your natural eyebrows. There are many things that you need to do soon after the procedure to care for your eyebrows:

. Avoid wearing makeup for at least 7 to 8 days because the makeup can interfere with the pigment through the shallow cuts in the eyebrow region.

. Don’t wet the eyebrow area for at least 10 days after microblading. Make sure you keep your face dry during a shower throughout these 10 days.

. Don’t swim and do anything that will make you sweat excessively. The area should be completely healed before you swim or do any exercises that make you sweat excessively.

. Keep the hair away from the brow line, and apply a medicated cream or balm provided by your technician on the area.

. Don’t scratch the brow line or the adjoining area during this period.

Once the skin is completely healed, you should take care of the eyebrows to protect your investment. Applying sunscreen to the area can help prevent the pigment from fading when you go outside. Even though microblading is permanent, it will fade with time. Fading can occur at a faster rate due to the smaller amount of pigment used in the procedure. That’s why you need to maintain the area carefully.

Most of the time, you may need to get a touch-up of your eyebrows at least once a year to maintain the looks. The touch-up may include adding pigment to the brow’s outline. Two years after the procedure, you may have to repeat the entire procedure.

Although complications are quite rare, allergic reactions or irritations due to the pigment are the possible complications of the procedure. It is normal to experience some discomfort during the procedure. You may also feel a slight stinging afterward.

The aforementioned article provides information on when you should wash your face after microblading.

Dental surgery, How can I make my dental surgery heal faster?

Did your dentist in Kenosha Wisconsin refer you to an oral surgeon? If yes, it only means one thing, you are about to undergo surgery. There are a couple of reasons why dental surgery may be necessary. The most common reasons for dental surgery are wisdom tooth extraction and dental implant placement. Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure to remove an impacted wisdom tooth. Without surgery, an impacted wisdom tooth will result in intensifying tooth pain, cause your teeth to shift and become misaligned, and predispose you to tooth decay and gum disease especially if some parts of your wisdom tooth cut through the gums. Dental implant placement also needs surgery. Dental implants are biocompatible metal screws that your oral surgeon will insert into your jawbone. This is done by incising your gum tissues to expose the underlying bone. Attached to the implants are connectors or abutments. Once the abutments are in place, your oral surgeon will affix your artificial teeth to restore your smile.

After the surgery, pain, swelling, and discomfort are expected but they don’t last long. However, if you want to speed up the recovery process there are some things you need to do.

Do’s and Don’ts To Speed Up The Recovery Process


Rest guiltlessly – if you consider yourself a workaholic, now is the time to truly enjoy and savor your much-needed break. Take it easy and allow yourself to relax so that your body can recover from the surgery. Avoid strenuous physical activities. When you sleep, prop your head up with pillows to prevent bleeding and swelling.

Your ice is your best friend – apply an ice pack on the side of the face where the surgery took place. Place it there for about 15 minutes on and off to reduce the swelling.

Soft diet – avoid eating hard and chew foods right after surgery. If you do, you might bleed. After the surgery, your oral surgeon will give you post-op instructions and one of the instructions is to go on a soft diet for a few days like smoothies, mashed potatoes, milkshakes, and yogurts.

Antibiotics – take your antibiotics as prescribed by your oral surgeon. Taking antibiotics is considered prophylaxis so you won’t get an infection after the surgery.

Clean your mouth – make sure your mouth is clean. Although you’re not advised to brush your teeth immediately after surgery you are required to keep them clean. You can do this by rinsing your mouth with lukewarm saline water (mix a teaspoon of salt in one glass of lukewarm water) four times a day. Do it after having a snack or a meal. Swish it gently to remove food particles in the surgical site.

Brush gently – if your dentist or oral surgeon gives you the go signal to brush your teeth, don’t brush it vigorously. Do it as gently as you can. Skip the surgical site for now. Rinsing it will do. Wait until the site is completely healed before you can resume brushing and flossing. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush when cleaning your teeth.

Healthy food – strive to prepare meals that are rich in vitamins A and C as these two are crucial in speeding up healing. Examples of foods that are rich in vitamins A and C are carrots, sweet potatoes, fish, and eggs.


The simplest way to speed up the recovery and healing process is to simply listen to your dentist or oral surgeon and follow their advice. If, after the surgery, you experience intense pain that doesn’t get resolved even after taking medications, you develop a fever that lasts for more than a day post-op, if you bleed and if pus is coming out of the surgical site then you need to call your dentist ASAP because you might be experiencing a post-op infection.


Chiropractic, Tips For A Healthy Spine

They say back pain comes with age but we say back pain is inevitable if you don’t take good care of your spine. Every year, thousands of people complain of back pain. People who suffer from back pain are desperate for a solution because the condition can affect their quality of life. If you are one of the millions who suffer from back pain you know very well that it will affect your performance at work, prevents you from enjoying hobbies and sports you love, and stops you from accomplishing tasks leaving you physically depleted and mentally drained. Therefore, it makes sense that as early as now you need to take extra care of your spine so that you won’t experience back pain later in life. The steps you need to take to keep your spine healthy aren’t difficult. Here’s what you need to do.

Make Sure You Lift Properly – do you know that if you twist your body incorrectly there’s a chance you might damage your spine? To protect your spine, we recommend you practice proper form and stance while lifting an object. What is the right way to lift an object? According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders, you need to stand close to the object you’re about to lift. Instead of using your back to pull the object, you should use your knees and legs. It’s helpful to bend your knees to level your arms with the item. Keep your back straight. If the item is too heavy, ask someone to help you.

Get Enough Sleep – do you know that getting enough sleep helps improve your overall health? Your body needs to sufficiently rest to be able to repair itself. When you sleep, it’s best if you sleep on your side rather than on your stomach. When you sleep on your stomach you are putting extra pressure on your spine. It’s also important to get a good mattress to provide a better cushion for your neck and spine as you sleep.

Stretch Every Now and Then – no matter how busy you are or how preoccupied you are with work never forget to stretch your neck and back for proper joint function. Stretching also improves your range of motion and lowers your risk of injury. Strive to start your day by stretching, not only is it good for your spine but it also invigorates you throughout the day.

Be Active – inactive people are prone to experience back pain. As much as possible strive to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle for your spine’s sake. Go to the gym, swim in the pool, run in the front yard – anything to keep you moving. The best exercise for your spine is aerobic exercise.

Maintain a Normal Weight – if you are overweight or worse obese, you are at risk of lower back pain because of your excess weight especially if you have fat around your belly area because it adds stress on your tendons, ligaments, and muscles of your lower back. Get moving, eat right and stay hydrated until you achieve your desired weight.


Consider yourself lucky if you don’t suffer from lower back pain, but if you do, adopt these lifestyle changes. By practicing proper posture and stance, exercising, stretching, getting enough sleep and maintaining a normal weight you can help protect your spine from damage. Meanwhile, find a good and licensed chiropractor to help you deal with your back pain the natural way. Chiropractors specialize in manual spinal manipulation to correct misalignment issues that are responsible for neck and back pain. Millions of people say that after receiving chiropractic care they felt significantly better.