Dog training, Teach Your Puppy These 5 Basic Commands

All dogs need a professional dog trainer to teach them how to show respect to their master as well as basic discipline. Even if you successfully teach your dog how to respect you, he still needs to learn fundamental training to avoid potential dog behavioral problems in the future. The following are the basic commands every pet owner should teach their dogs. However before you start training, there are a few things you need to know.

First of all, for the training to be effective, it has to be done regularly. Patience is one of the key secrets to a successful dog training. At the start, when your dog is still slowly adjusting to your instructions, we highly suggest you don’t go hard on your dog. Don’t push him to his limits. In other words, go easy on your dog.

When you’re going to start training, choose a place that is peaceful and free from distractions. You don’t want your dog’s attention to be divided during the training. When planning the lessons, make them simple and short. Dogs’ attention span is limited. If you can, establish a routine for training to make it consistent. No matter how upset or frustrated you are, don’t punish your dog. Practice the commands at home before you try it with your dog in a public place for safety reasons. When your dog does the command successfully, don’t forget to reward him. When your dog successfully masters a command, go ahead and teach him a new one. When training your dog, make the lessons entertaining and fun.

The following are 5 easy commands your new pup should master:

Watch Me – to teach your dog the watch me command, maintain eye contact with your dog while you give him a treat that you’re holding in one hand. Move your hand from your dog’s nose towards your face. When your dog looks at you, you then say the words clearly “WATCH ME”. Repeat this training command a few more times until your dog is able to master it. Don’t use a treat as a form of distraction for your dog, instead only use it as a reward. This is a very important command because it serves as a bridge for you to teach your dog other commands.

Sit – another basic command you need to teach your dog is the sit command. To do this, put a treat near your dog’s nose and make sure he smells it. Move the treat above his head so he can follow it. Naturally, your dog won’t be able to catch the treat but he will be sitting once he tries to follow it and when that happens say the command “SIT” clearly followed by giving your dog a treat. Again, practice it several times a day until your dog masters it.

Down – the down command can be particularly challenging but with regular training, your dog will be able to get it. To do this command, get a treat and put it in a closed hand. Lift your closed hand towards your dong’s nose. When your dog smells it, immediately move your hand to the floor. When you do this, your dog will follow and go down to the floor. It doesn’t end there. The next thing you’ll do is to move your hand along the floor so that your dog will lay down. When your dog is on the floor, say the command “DOWN” and give the treat.


Practice these 3 commands with your dog until he masters it. Once he gets it, it will be easier for your dog to catch up on other commands in the future. Again, if you don’t have the time and patience to train your dog, you can always hire professional dog trainers.